No civilization has out lived the usefulness of it’s soils. When the soil is destroyed, the nation is gone. -Lloyd Nobel
Our Story
My wife Fran and I both grew up on farms. When we got married, farming together as a family was a natural fit.
We bought Top of the Hill Farm in 1993. After raising cows, pigs, chickens and some grain, we turned our sights to organic farming in 2004.
Fran and I have always looked to provide good, healthy food. Not only for our four children, but also for the families who buy our products.
Gerry and Dan DeRuyck working together to calibrate the seeder
Our Practices
Our farm currently raises Certified Organic Grass-fed cattle and grains. We follow the strict rules set out by the Canadian Organic Standards. This means we don’t use any chemicals, synthetic fertilizers, hormones or antibiotics. We are inspected annually by Organic Producers Association of Manitoba (OPAM) and we are always seeking better ways to farm.
We believe in using the most current, regenerative practices that will improve our land and the environment. Grains, flours and flakes produced on our farm are processed right on site in a food grade facility. Processing here allows us to further reduce our carbon footprint and maintain strict quality control standards.
History of farm / Business: We were both raised on farms, and we started farming together in 1988. We bought this farm in 1993.We had a mixed farm with cows, pigs, a few chickens and grain.
We turned to organic farming in 2004, and raise Certified Organic grassfed cattle as well as grains that we process into flour and flakes on the farm. The farm has been a great place to raise our 4 children into wonderful, responsible adults.
Farm / Food Philosophy: We believe in eating good, healthy food and want to grow better, safer food and help other farmers to do the same in a sustainable way.
Something fun to know about me: Dan, loves the variety of farm work: building and repairing, farm fences, doing chores and playing music. Fran loves to spend time with their grandchildren and to play music: clarinet, guitar, piano, banjo and the saxophone.